Spreading the Love – The Liebster Award


I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by the very sweet Katie from A Beautiful Little Adventure! The Liebster Award provides a fun and easy way to get to know other new bloggers (you must have under 200 followers).  You then must also nominate 10 other blogs. What a warm welcome into the blogging community, this is a great way to meet new bloggers like yourself as well as get people to learn about you.  – Thanks Katie!

The Liebster Award Rules:

  1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.

  2. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.

  3. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers.

  4. You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

  5. You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.

The Questions I Was Asked:

1.  If there was a movie about your life who would play you?

Sienna Miller or Gwyneth Paltrow. Obviously in my dreams though as I’m just not that cool. I adore both of them.

2. What song is currently on “repeat” for you?

Anything from Michael Buble. Fast, slow they all seem to speak to me whatever situation I am currently in.

3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

To, not be so hard on myself. Close friends and family have often commented that I have very high expectations and when I fall short I punish myself, which I think is true. I need to learn that it’s ok to fail sometimes. Some things are just out of my control.

4. What was the best vacation you’ve ever been on?

My honeymoon, by far. We spent 2 weeks (yes two weeks) in Vegas. We sat by the pool and sunned ourselves by day and got dolled up, wined and dined and saw shows in the evening. I did however get a cold from the stress of the wedding and heat rash from the intense heat but it just didn’t matter. We were treated like royalty and just had the most amazing time.

5. What is the best book that you’ve read in the past year?

Jessica Alba’s –  The Honest Life. It’s not a novel obviously but it has truly changed the way I think about everything, from the cleaning chemicals I am bringing into my home, to the beauty products I use to the food that I buy. A great read, I would recommend it to everyone. A close second is gone girl, but I didn’t like the ending which normally changes my opinion of a book!

6. What is your “go to” recipe for dinner?

Spaghetti Carbonara. Made with fresh egg yolk, creme fraiche, peas, bacon and garlic. I love love love pasta and could live on it 7 days a week!

7. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

A primary school teacher or a make-up artist. I ended up working in HR, go figure!

8. What is the best thing you read on the internet this week?

That revenge, grey’s anatomy and downton abbey are all back on TV soon. One of the many reasons I love autumn is that all of the decent programmes come back on!

9. Favorite place in your home?

My sitting room. I love sitting on my sofa, with some lovely candles, a glass of red wine listening to music or playing board games.

10. What is the story behind your worst scar?

When I was 17 I was hit by a car on my way home from work. I smashed into the car windscreen and ended up laying in the road. I hit my head pretty badly on the pavement and broke my thumb. I had a scar on my forehead which has now thankfully nearly faded but I still have a medium sized scar on my ankle from the accident.

Here are my questions for my nominated bloggers to answer:

1. No.1 place you would like to visit?

2. Program or series you could watch every day on repeat?

3. Three people (dead or alive) you would love to have over for dinner?

4. Favourite season of the year and why?

5. Song that reminds you of your childhood?

6.  Favourite chick flick (or just any movie) of all time?

7. Who has been the most influential person in your life?

8. How do you order your coffee?

9. What is your best asset?

10. If you could only have one last meal, what would it be?

My nominated blogs:

Oh So London

Maybe This Time


The Rain Came Down

What Kate Did

A photographic exploration of London

Your Wild Life

The Positivity Project 


Jolie Moi Blog

6 thoughts on “Spreading the Love – The Liebster Award

  1. Really enjoyed reading your answers! I love Michael Buble too, we’re actually seeing him in concert on Saturday night! Also agree on the ending with Gone Girl, such a disappointment after I was sitting on the edge of my seat reading it. xoxo

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